指示性价格 price indication
速复 reply immediately
参考价 reference price
习惯做法 usual practice
交易磋商 business negotiation
不受约束 without engagement
业务洽谈 business discussion
限**复 subject to reply **
限* *复到 subject to reply reaching here **
有效期限 time of validity
有效至**: valid till **
购货合同 purchase contract 销售合同 sales contract
购货确认书 purchase confirmation
销售确认书 sales confirmation
一般交易条件 general terms and conditions
以未售出为准 subject to prior sale
需经卖方确认 subject to sellers confirmation
需经我方最后确认 subject to our final confirmation
inquiry 询盘
delivery 交货
order 订货
make a complete entry 正式/完整申报
bad account 坏帐
Bill of Lading 提单
marine bills of lading 海运提单
shipping order 托运单
blank endorsed 空白背书
endorsed 背书
cargo receipt 承运货物收据
condemned goods 有问题的货物
catalogue 商品目录
customs liquidation 清关
customs clearance 结关
stocks 存货,库存量
cash sale 现货
purchase 购买,进货
bulk sale 整批销售,趸售
distribution channels 销售渠道
wholesale 批发
retail trade 零售业
hire-purchase 分期付款购买
fluctuate in line with market conditions 随行就市
unfair competition 不合理竞争
dumping 商品倾销
dumping profit margin 倾销差价,倾销幅度
antidumping 反倾销
customs bond 海关担保
chain debts 三角债
freight forwarder 货运代理
trade consultation 贸易磋商
mediation of dispute 商业纠纷调解
partial shipment 分批装运
restraint of trade 贸易管制
RTA (Regional Trade Arrangements) 区域贸易安排
favorable balance of trade 贸易顺差
unfavorable balance of trade 贸易逆差
special preferences 优惠关税
bonded warehouse 保税仓库
transit trade 转口贸易
tariff barrier 关税壁垒
tax rebate 出口退税