tic: Disc knife is made using a special metal heat treatment,high hard and wearable ,is durable. (四)主要技术参数Main Technical Parameters 外型尺寸(长宽高)(mm) Dimension(LWH)(mm) 12507001500 生产效率(kg/h)Production efficiency(kg/h) 1000 电机功率(KW)Motor power(KW) 4 电机转速(r/min) Motor rotating speed(r/min) 1440 电压(V)Voltage(V) 380 频率(HZ)Frequency(HZ) 50 减速机型号Speed Reducer Model 350 减速比Reduction radio 31.5 出料尺寸Size of discharged materials(mm) 20~40 设备重量(kg)
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