日期:2007-06-11 10:47
 装运货物系以第__号即期信用证规定的电汇或信汇方式向卖方提交预付金_为前提,其余部分采用托收凭即期付款交单。  Shipment to be made subject to an advanced payment or payment amounting __ to be remitted in favour of seller by T/T or M/T with indication of S/C No. __ and the remaining part on co11ection basis, documents will be released against payment at sight.  7. 不同支付方式与分期付款、延期付款相结合。  在国际贸易中,进出口商双方经谈判对大型设备、成套机械及大型交通工具的成交时,可采
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